
Syslogic embedded systems with uBlox' PointPerfect: Centimetre-accurate GNSS

View of the earth from space, assumed by NASA, Source: Unsplash

AI-enabled edge devices combined with RTK (real-time kinematic) technology are a game changer. Embedded specialist Syslogic uses uBlox GNSS technology in its NVIDIA Jetson-based industrial computers.

Positioning, navigation and timing

Location-based applications are opening up new opportunities across all sectors, from agriculture to rail and automotive. RTK can be used to determine the position of a vehicle or machine to within centimetres in real time. This is an essential feature for autonomous mobile robots and vehicles.

Easy integration, no additional hardware

Syslogic’s AI-enabled embedded computers can be configured with two integrated uBlox receivers. This allows RTK functionality to be implemented quickly and without additional hardware.

The uBlox ZED-F9P and -F9H modules are used in the Syslogic embedded systems. The two modules are interconnected. The F9P is already a highly accurate GNSS receiver that receives positioning data from satellites. In combination with the ZED-F9H and uBlox' own PointPerfect correction data service, the angle of rotation and position can be determined with an accuracy of up to three centimetres.

The atmosphere causes errors, PointPerfect corrects them

PointPerfect is uBlox' Precise Point Positioning RTK (PPP RTK) service for high accuracy GNSS corrections. PointPerfect corrects transmission errors that occur between the satellite and the receiver.

The GNSS signal travels thousands of kilometres between the satellite and the receiver. Along the way, the signal passes through layers of the atmosphere. The ionosphere, which is part of the Earth's atmosphere, has a high concentration of ionised particles that deflect signals and cause distortions and delays. uBlox has a global network of reference stations for PointPerfect to correct for these atmospheric errors. Point Perfect also corrects the GNSS signal for inaccuracies caused by reflections in densely populated areas.

PointPerfect provides coverage of entire continents, countries and regions with an accuracy of 3-6 centimetres in a matter of seconds via L-band satellite and the Internet. Data is transmitted using MQTT and NTRIP protocols. The industry-standard SPARTN data format is bandwidth-optimised, reducing mobile data costs by up to 90 per cent compared to traditional RTK network services. Another advantage of PointPerfect is that the service also works with third party GNSS receivers.

GNSS services are delivered and managed through the uBlox Thingstream platform, where customers sign up directly.

Wide range of agricultural and construction applications

Combined with Syslogic's rugged embedded computers, uBlox GNSS technology offers a complete package when rugged and durable hardware is required. With its GNSS-enabled edge computers, Syslogic is targeting users in the agricultural, construction and autonomous mobile robotics markets. Whether fields are being worked autonomously, construction machinery is travelling autonomously in remote areas or AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) are navigating through a warehouse, the precise determination of position and rotation angle using RTK and heading is indispensable.

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